
Classification Analysis epoxy composites

Epoxy composite ( referred to as epoxy composites , or epoxy reinforced plastic ) of many varieties, regardless of the name , the meaning or classification has not completely uniform, but generally speaking classified according to the following three methods :
( 1 ) can be classified by purpose epoxy composites , epoxy- functional epoxy- functional composite materials and structural composites . Composite materials are composed by the mechanical properties of the composite material so that the material can be used as force structure , and to design and manufacture the material according to the forces to achieve optimum material properties . Functional composite material is composed of material by other properties ( such as light, electricity, heat , corrosion , etc. ) of the composite to obtain materials with certain desirable features . CCL such as epoxy , epoxy molding compound electronics , radar enclosures. It is noted that , regardless of what kind of a functional material , must have the necessary mechanical properties, or even the best functional material is not practical.
( 2 ) by forming pressure can be divided high-pressure molding material ( molding pressure 5-30MPa), such as engineering plastics and epoxy epoxy laminated plastic ; low pressure molding material ( molding pressure <2.5MPa), such as epoxy fiberglass and high performance epoxy composites . Glass, steel and high-performance composite materials due to the large size parts (up to several meters ) , type face is usually not flat , so should not use high-pressure molding. Otherwise, mold cost is too high , the tonnage presses too much , so the cost is too expensive .
    ( 3 ) by a combination of factors ( including materials stage performance, molding methods , and applications , etc. ) can be divided : plastic epoxy , epoxy laminated plastic , fiberglass epoxy (Universal epoxy composite ) and epoxy composites .
Epoxy resin Lamination Composite